Short Courses
Intensive, focused training courses, are another strategy of the UNESCO Chair Life on Land.
As part of a broader scheme for the reinforcement of competences of the human resources of the partner institutions, these short courses are often framed in general capacity building scenarios, such as the programmes for the establishment of molecular biology laboratories, which are normally followed by intensive training actions for the institutional staff.
From among the several actions, physical or online, either at CIBIO or at the countries of our TwinLabs, are worth mention the most recent ones:
- SeqStudio focused training for UNAM – University of Namibia technicians;
- focused training in Laboratorial Practices for UNAM – University of Namibia technicians;
- focused training in Laboratorial Practices for National Institute of Biodiversity and Conservation Areas – Angola technicians);
- focused training in virology for laboratory technicians from Hospital Agostinho Neto (Lubango - Angola), in the context of the CoViD-19 approach.