
Book "Biodiversity of Angola - Science & Conservation: A Modern Synthesis"
The book "Biodiversity of Angola - Science & Conservation: A Modern Synthesis" expounds on the massive biodiversity that could be found in Angola and what still exists to be investigated, pointing out ways of collaborative work for the future.
The book "Biodiversity of Angola - Science & Conservation: A Modern Synthesis" expounds on the massive biodiversity that could be found in Angola and what still exists to be investigated, pointing out ways of collaborative work for the future.
The volume brings together the results of expeditions and research undertaken in Angola since the late eighteenth century, with emphasis on work conducted in the four decades since Angola's independence in 1975.
The english version of the book can be downloaded here or accessed on the Springer website. 
Book "Biodiversidade de Angola"
The book "Biodiversity of Angola - Science & Conservation: A Modern Synthesis" is now available in Portuguese.
The Portuguese version of the book can be downloaded here.

Biodiversity Learning Kits
In view of the inexistence of a Portuguese edition of the UNESCO Biodiversity Leaning Kits, initially available online in English, French and Spanish, CIBIO assumed the translation into Portuguese of this educational tool, under the designation Kit Pedagógico sobre Biodiversidade (Vols. I and II).
This activity was developed in the framework of the UNESCO Chair Life on Land, in collaboration with Fundação Belmiro de Azevedo and Camões I. P.
Volume I: Kit Pedagógico sobre Biodiversidade | Volume II: Kit Pedagógico sobre Biodiversidade - ATIVIDADES
Volume I: Kit Pedagógico sobre Biodiversidade | Volume II: Kit Pedagógico sobre Biodiversidade - ATIVIDADES